Friday, August 24, 2007

What is "The Millennium Fund?"

According to information on the website posted by the Idaho State Treasurer's Office to explain the Millennium fund, here's what it is:
  1. It is an endowment fund.
  2. It has authority to receive, invest, and disburse funds.
  3. The source of the money is the "master settlement agreement."
  4. The "master settlement agreement" resulted from a successful class-action lawsuit by states against tobacco companies for marketing cigarettes directly to underage persons.
  5. Each year the states receive money from this settlement.
  6. The money is earmarked to help underage Idaho residents choose not to use tobacco, and to help educate about the dangers of tobacco.
If you saw the statement with these points, would you assume that the money is supposed to be spent for the purpose detailed in #6, above? Or would you assume that the money is freely available for legislators to appropriate as they see fit with or without any connection to the use of tobacco?

I need to hear from you. Check out the pages. Get the facts. Share. Post your comment.


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